
A Way Out

  A Way Out is a CO-OP only game that requires two players to play the game, This game created by Josef Fares, seeks to show that CO-OP games can still be fun and widely loved by consumers. Personally I would explain the game as an Interactive movie, as the game is heavily cutscene dependent to display its story but involves occasional puzzles where you have to work with your partner to progress. The blend between video game and movie, is what intrigues me so much about the game, and to experience with another person makes it extra special. There is one scene in particular where you are running from the cops, because you are wanted escape convicts and your characters have to run from dogs, you hear your characters screaming and yelling as the situation is very intense, and you might want to sit back and watch taking in everything that is going on, but in another scene you are actually controlling your character and navigating yourself to sneak around cops to reach a certain destination

Dead By Daylight

  Dead By Daylight Dead By Daylight is a pretty simple game that I've recently played with some friends, each match is a 1v4. Four survivors must power up 5 generators to power some locked doors to make their escape and survive. Each survivor has skills and perks that they can eventually lock to make this easier, however the killers can do the same. It makes an already interesting concept more interesting as gameplay changes quite frequently. In a way this game reminded me slightly of roleplaying games, when I was with friends because you can literally play as popular movie characters such as Michael Myers. It was enjoyable to see how much effort the developers put into making those famous killers really feel like those well killers. For example Michael is quiet and you may be doing a generator and you look behind you and you see Michael stalking, just like he would in the movies or the Pig from saw uses the famous reverse bear traps. Because of this it is capable of making a playe

Legends Of Runeterra

 Legends of Runeterra   Legends of Runeterra is a card game that is based off the lore surrounding the game "League of Legends" League of Legends released on October 27th 2009 and since became the most played video game globally and over the last decade has expanded and changed the competitive e-sports scene, but over the years it also developed pages and pages of lore developing regions, cultures, characters, etc till it eventually became a very richly built world. The reason I came to look at this game is it has inspired me to look at a way of adapting even more of the lore that the writers have created into gameplay. The first ever game that was not based on league was this game "legends of Runeterra" which is a card game using characters from the league of legends universe to battle each other, albeit none of the events would be cannon it creates some cool scenarios as each card has voice lines, and some of the champions when they reach certain conditions go thr


  Phasmophobia is a game I've recently checked out with a couple of friends, and was quite surprised at how immersive the game can be. Most games you have the controller, and the game displayed on the TV screen but in this game you've got to speak to do certain things, such as Calling out a Ghost's name or asking questions like "Show me a Sign". When you move past just using hardware and actually begin talking to the ghost it becomes like a real entity as immersion takes over. My friend Jesus asked the particular ghost we were "hunting" "where are you" and on a Scanner we hear the ghost say "Behind" and then Jesus continues and say "Show yourself" and... well everything start flickering, doors lock and eventually it ends in our dear friend's death. Immersion is a really big thing when it comes to certain games, RPG'S it is a core concept but in games like this, it may be really important and games should continue fin

Marvel's Spider-Man and Transmediation

  Marvel's Spider-Man and Transmediation Marvel's Spider-Man game by Insomniac is a prime example of Transmediation, the game itself ties into the Marvel movies that have released over the past two decades, which were also based on the original comic books. Within this game you can see several tie ins to the Marvel movies for example one can spot Stark Towers.  This Spiderman game takes place at least eight years into Spiderman's career, (the same one we see in the movies) This detail also makes gameplay feel "better" as playing a more experienced Spiderman, can make the game feel more "fluid".  Personally I have not yet played this game and likely will not but I would encourage Spiderman fans to check out a playthrough if they don't have access to playing it as it does add to the overall Marvel story, and allows us to get a glimpse into the potential future of the Marvel universe. Also fun fact, Spiderman Miles Morales, also experiences this. Most o

For The King (tabletop games)

  For The King      This week we talked about several different types of Tabletop games. An interesting video game was made called For The King which is essentially capturing a tabletop game experience, however in a videogame form.    The player starts off by creating their character, they can change their appearance and class. The options for appearance are fairly limited, but its enough to give the player a couple of options. The classes however are fairly expansive, the player starts off with 4 classes to choose from but can unlock up to 13 classes. The goal of the game is up to three adventures go out in the world, clear temples, buy items and weapons and eventually defeat a world ending boss. For example in one of the "boards" the final boss is this lovely creature.  The players will have to prepare and work together to better themselves to face him though and.... He hits and Tanks like a world ending boss, so defeating him is no easy task... hell even a random encounter

Watch Dogs Legion

  Watch Dogs Legion Watch dogs Legion is an ambitious game that has discarded the idea of playing as a "main character' and has replaced that idea with a system where you can recruit any person, regardless of who they are in to your "team". This idea sounds a bit chaotic but it does an overall job of giving a player the option of finding someone that they prefer to play, the options are reflective of the types of people you can see in society, Old, young, male, female? that is just the base of it as there are so many more options, old crazy cat lady? you got it.   Of course this has its drawbacks, as it is an awesome idea to play as anyone, the developers can't possibly fully flesh out and develop every citizen you can find in a living a breathing city compared to a single well focused character. But it does do its best to attempt this enormous feat and allow for every character to have some form of backstory, and development such as the occupation they work, the