A Way Out


A Way Out is a CO-OP only game that requires two players to play the game, This game created by Josef Fares, seeks to show that CO-OP games can still be fun and widely loved by consumers. Personally I would explain the game as an Interactive movie, as the game is heavily cutscene dependent to display its story but involves occasional puzzles where you have to work with your partner to progress. The blend between video game and movie, is what intrigues me so much about the game, and to experience with another person makes it extra special. There is one scene in particular where you are running from the cops, because you are wanted escape convicts and your characters have to run from dogs, you hear your characters screaming and yelling as the situation is very intense, and you might want to sit back and watch taking in everything that is going on, but in another scene you are actually controlling your character and navigating yourself to sneak around cops to reach a certain destination. It is a really fun game and I would honestly recommend it, it really is more movie than game at points, and has quite a lot of attention to detail, that rewards players for wanting to interact with everything.      


  1. Hey Steven,
    This game reminds me a lot of Grand Theft Auto. In this game, your ultimate goal is to be a criminal who steals cars. However, it is not the plot of the game that reminds me of your game "A Way Out." It is the description of the screaming and yelling and barking in the background. Grand Theft Auto is very graphic and has a lot of sound bites just like that. I am glad you enjoyed this game.

  2. The sneaking around cops reminded me of the secrecy one strives for in one of the Hitman games. I played one of these games more than 10 years ago and don't remember much. However, I recently read some information about it that said you try to kill people without being noticed and have the option of killing people with poison instead of weapon like a gun.


  3. I have actually never heard of this game before! From what I have gathered from the visual you provided and the description of the game I predict that this is a suspenseful game. It reminds me of the game we watched in class where the person has a number of choices to make and the outcome of those choices determine the direction of the game, and how it will progress or decline due to the choices made all throughout the game.


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