Watch Dogs Legion


Watch Dogs Legion

Watch dogs Legion is an ambitious game that has discarded the idea of playing as a "main character' and has replaced that idea with a system where you can recruit any person, regardless of who they are in to your "team". This idea sounds a bit chaotic but it does an overall job of giving a player the option of finding someone that they prefer to play, the options are reflective of the types of people you can see in society, Old, young, male, female? that is just the base of it as there are so many more options, old crazy cat lady? you got it. 

 Of course this has its drawbacks, as it is an awesome idea to play as anyone, the developers can't possibly fully flesh out and develop every citizen you can find in a living a breathing city compared to a single well focused character. But it does do its best to attempt this enormous feat and allow for every character to have some form of backstory, and development such as the occupation they work, the clothes they wear and dialogue respective of who that character is. Even with all the effort that the developers have put into this game to represent diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and personal styles, they missed body types related to weight. Is Watch Dogs demonstrating how things can be in the future when technology advances? or is this a style that should be avoided? 


  1. This sounds like a very interesting video game. I think the idea of recruiting people sounds really fun and different. It seems like there would be a lot of freedom in a game like this which is the kind of video game I like. I like when it is not so fast paced and you can sort of do what you want. I think it is cool that they have so many options for the different ethnicities instead of just the one white guy main character


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