Legends Of Runeterra

 Legends of Runeterra 

 Legends of Runeterra is a card game that is based off the lore surrounding the game "League of Legends" League of Legends released on October 27th 2009 and since became the most played video game globally and over the last decade has expanded and changed the competitive e-sports scene, but over the years it also developed pages and pages of lore developing regions, cultures, characters, etc till it eventually became a very richly built world. The reason I came to look at this game is it has inspired me to look at a way of adapting even more of the lore that the writers have created into gameplay. The first ever game that was not based on league was this game "legends of Runeterra" which is a card game using characters from the league of legends universe to battle each other, albeit none of the events would be cannon it creates some cool scenarios as each card has voice lines, and some of the champions when they reach certain conditions go through an animation when leveling up. Some of the voice lines include cards meeting each other or being played against each other. One that struck me is Jarvan IV when played against his father Jarvan III says " No, This can not be right" in a very somber voice as he is about to kill his father. The amount of polish is quite incredible because it transforms this basic idea of a card game into a full on video game, with hours of lore to back it up. This game that came out last year, inspired me to look at what would an RPG be like created from the lore built over the last decade surrounding league of legends, and how would it look like and surely I won't be able to create something up to the quality of Runeterra but maybe it could be an idea to spark development of even more games under this IP. 


  1. This sounds like a great example of trans-mediation. The game looks visually stunning and witty. I haven't seen a card game with so much lore and in video game form like this before. I like how interactive this game sounds, especially how different cards respond to each other. It appears to be fairly immersive, especially if you are familiar with the universe that it is based on. It probably has a lot of replayability because you can see how different cards interact and learn more about the lore that the game has created. - Colin


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