Marvel's Spider-Man and Transmediation


Marvel's Spider-Man and Transmediation

Marvel's Spider-Man game by Insomniac is a prime example of Transmediation, the game itself ties into the Marvel movies that have released over the past two decades, which were also based on the original comic books. Within this game you can see several tie ins to the Marvel movies for example one can spot Stark Towers. 

This Spiderman game takes place at least eight years into Spiderman's career, (the same one we see in the movies) This detail also makes gameplay feel "better" as playing a more experienced Spiderman, can make the game feel more "fluid".  Personally I have not yet played this game and likely will not but I would encourage Spiderman fans to check out a playthrough if they don't have access to playing it as it does add to the overall Marvel story, and allows us to get a glimpse into the potential future of the Marvel universe. Also fun fact, Spiderman Miles Morales, also experiences this. Most of us became familiar of the character in the Animated movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" but he was also in comics before this and now recently has gotten his own video game in the sequel of this game. It is important to note that, the games are not officially canon but do represent some past events in the marvel universe.  


  1. I loved spiderman he’s hands down one of my favorite superhero’s! This is also a great example of transmediaton. Not only is spiderman a comic book but they also have video games as you mentioned as well as a board game! Based on all of the many different types of transmedia that spiderman has gone through you can tell that Fabula pool also had an effect each piece of the comic book, video game or movie is similar to the original and follows the same story line but it still has some twists and turns.

  2. I am often surprised at the amount of Spiderman media there is. I don't watch movies or read comic books, though whenever I see a ad it seems like there is a new movie or game every year. Even if it's not a game where Spiderman is the main characters, many will feature him as a way to pull in fans who also happen to play games. As someone who is not interested in superhero Transmedia I tend to think the market has become a bit oversaturated with it as of late, but on the same note it's nice for people who enjoy such. - Byron


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