Destiny 2, The deep stone crypt raid's auditory and visual rhetoric.


This is an image of a six man team about to attempt a "Raid" a six player activity within the game Destiny 2, where teamwork, problem solving and rhetoric are all used 

Why does this activity require problem solving skills and teamwork skills? Well, within this activity lives are limited to one revive per player, and each encounter has something known as a "wipe" mechanic, meaning if you fail the "puzzle" everyone dies and the encounter restarts. The first encounter has the team split up into three different areas of the map, there is a light team, a dark team an a operator who will be going to a maintenance tunnel to perform a specific task separate to the rest of the team. This operator will be in charge of activating buttons to disable the security systems protecting a power source to the overall security system of these "power coils" that power the deep stone crypt. The two teams on light and dark have a scanner who are capable of telling the operator which buttons to press, while the rest of the team must defend them. there are 6 buttons on each side and each scanner must find two buttons that are lit up and communicate which ones to activate, however there is a time crunch in this section, if the incorrect button is activated or the operator takes to long to activate the buttons, they are burnt to a crisp meaning... well things are kind of screwed. After the buttons are activated, the operator becomes a scanner and has to tell the team which of those batteries can be shot as they become unguarded, rinse and repeat. This is a simpler encounter, however it involves rhetoric, teamwork and problem solving. In this description alone the players create a unique terminology to explain what they are doing. a call out might be Light 1 and 5 or Dark 3 and 4. it may sound like gibberish but it explains the side and which button must be activated. Outside of that, other things act as reminders when things are taking too long or going astray, you may here the music get faster as time is running out, or visual indicators on the condition of the batteries which to a trained eye may tell you how much time remains.  This encounter can only be beat if the set rules are followed which is why teamwork and problem solving are a must.


  1. All I know about the game is from what you wrote, but based on what you said I assume that the team working together lose the chance to play with a particular real online player when a player dies more than once. The game sounds like it closely approximates the dynamics of real life ( it would be more accurate if you got no revives).

    I can imagine it bringing a kind of humanity into the experience of game play. In real life, in life and death situations a person is probably not only thinking about the difficulties of solving the problem at hand and the larger implications of the problem at hand, but experiencing strong emotions, such as fear of their own death. The game probably wouldn't evoke emotions similar to fear of death, but it seems like it would evoke a caring attitude towards the rest of the real life players you are working with.

  2. This sort of collaborative group sounds like it would definitely require constant communication in order for the raid to succeed. This means that team members would have to use short responses in order to communicate information immediately, as the players would need to perceive as much about their surroundings as fast as possible. Although I have not partaken in raids myself, I have seen other players conduct such activities and from what I've observed going in sequence is very crucial in order for a raid to succeed.

    Another point you brought up was the puzzle solving aspect. I have seen players tackle such puzzles, and as soon as one player in one area finishes one part of the puzzle they communicate that the task is complete so that the next individual in the raid can start their task.

    This sort of gameplay does require a strong group dynamic, proper sequencing, and constant communication to be successful.


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