
Showing posts from January, 2021

Resident Evil 6

 Resident Evil 6 is a game released in 2013 but has since been remastered for the Xbox one. The portion of game I played is a linear co-op campaign with my friend Isabel. Isabel and I played through the Jake campaign which is centered around Jake and a woman known as Sherry Birkin. Sherry is tasked by the U.S government to find and secure Jake who is Immune to a virus that is rapidly spreading known as the C-Virus. The C-Virus is responsible for turning humans into a creature known as a J'avo. J'avo are at first human like with the capability of using weapons but have severely altered appearances, such as four eyes. Once killed the J'avo experience metamorphosis, where they are enveloped in a cocoon and are transformed into a half animal half human being revived and enhanced. The story is mostly mindless fun, however there is a twist within the story that reveals that members in the U.S government are responsible for this virus, and also killing the president within another